October 1, 2015

Writing for 31 Days: Day 1- The Intro for Everything

We'll call this series 31 Days of Lists.

If you look back in the archives, you will notice that we really haven't blogged very much. So why would we attempt to write for 31 days through October? Because we're kind of crazy. So anyway, here it goes.

Here's our first list:
The Contributor Introductions
Pippo- the creator of this blog. She says that her curly hair means that she has a fried brain.

Azreanal- I basically begged Pippo to let me do some guest posts, so here I am. I like to think that I say really funny things, but people actually laugh because I make funny faces and do weird things with my hands.

We're sisters and  best friends. When I asked Tagg, another sister, how to describe us, she said noisy, high energy, lots of laughter and chattering. Some maybe that sums us up. Except most other people would probably call us quiet and low energy. So I guess we're oxymoronic.

We'll try to add posts here as we go along:

Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
etc. etc. etc.

1 comment:

Lizzie said...

"Fried brain" Love it!!

Yes, you do say funny things...and make funny expressions etc....

Am I oxymoronic too? Y'all definitely are. :)