October 6, 2015

Writing for 31 Days: Day 6- The Wonder That is Netflix

Lately, we've been watching lots of Netflix so it only makes sense to clue you into our favorite shows. {And I can't think of anything else to post about.}

  • The Great Food Truck Race- It's got some drama and some of the contestants are kind of obnoxious, but we can't quit it.
  • Fixer Upper- Chip and Joanna Gaines seem like genuinely nice people. And they're funny. And they make pretty houses.
  • Cupcake Wars- I like cupcakes.
Pippo is watching Storm Surfers, but I don't want to watch it, so I'm writing a blog post. 

So long.


October 5, 2015

Writing for 31 Days: Day 5- Things We Enjoy Doing

We each did four things to throw you off and set your expectations low.

1. Hand-Lettering- I'm not necessarily very good at it, but I want to get better.
2. Singing- Especially Disney hits at the top of my lungs.
3. Reading suspenseful books- I recently read Danger in the Shadows. The beginning was suspenseful, but then it's kind of queer.
4. Listening to podcasts- The Big Boo Cast is one of my favorites.

1. Eating Cinnamon Rolls- made in a mug and the microwave. I had to do this quite a bit this past summer because I woke up to late to get a "real" breakfast. It was lovely.
2. Playing "Almost There"- it's a duet on the piano meant to be played with Azreanal on top.
3. Wearing socks- Something about wearing socks makes me feel like I have superpowers. I don't know why, but I like wearing them.
4. Checking the weather- I always need to know what the weather is going to be like for at least the next week.

October 4, 2015

Writing for 31 Days: Day 4- Things We're Horrible At

I saw this fun little post - 10 Things I'm Horrible At - and was like Ha! Let's do this.

1. Opening doors- I can't unlock them, I can't open them, it just doesn't work.
2. Finishing Projects- I'll start all these neat projects, but actually finishing them is a whole different story. My determination wears thin real quickly.
3. Keeping Anything Clean- My room is a mess. My office is a mess. My dresser is a mess. Part of this has to do with all the unfinished projects lying around, part of it is my laziness and high mess tolerance.
4. Drinking Enough Water- I don't think I've ever drunk the recommended 8 cups of water in a day. When I'm in the middle of doing one of those unfinished projects and I get thirsty, I'm just like, "I'll do it later." And later doesn't come for an hour yet.
*takes a break to go get a drink*
5. Straight Lines- Drawing, cutting, sewing, I just cannot do straight lines. I started making a quilt months ago without a pattern {a really good idea} and when I was sewing the strips together, I thought, "It's probably not supposed to be curving like this." Yeah, sometimes straight lines matter.

1. Blowing bubbles with bubble gum- I've tried and only once have I gotten a tiny bubble and it took so long.
2. Throwing balls- I can rarely get anyone else out during a dodge-ball game because I have no accuracy or power to my throw.
3. Handwriting- I kind of like experimenting with it, but I can never make it look very nice, although it has improved slightly recently.
4. Remembering historic dates- I can probably remember your birthday, but I not the dates of a war, president, or other historic event.
5. Growing out my hair- I just want to cut it off every time it gets a little past my shoulders and it's so much quicker to wash and style short hair. Besides, haircuts are so fun.

October 3, 2015

Writing for 31 Days: Day 3- Things Azreanal Learned in September

1. I learned that I really like face painting. 
Last weekend, we volunteered at the Hot Air Balloon Festival to paint faces. I had never really done any before, so I was kind of nervous, but they all turned out alright, and were really fun, though not necessarily professional quality.

2. Quilting will mess up your fingers.
Currently, Tagg has her quilt set up and we've been working on it a lot recently. But it isn't for the faint of heart. If I had to define the art of quilting it would be something like this:
The addicting art of repeatedly stabbing your fingers with a needle.
It hurts. But I can't quit it.

3. I learned how to play pool volleyball with no rules.
I never have actually played it with rules, but we played a very loose version and it was tons of fun. It also made my arms sore.

October 2, 2015

Writing for 31 Days: Day 2- Things Pippo Learned in September

So this is Pippo here. Today I will share three things I learned in September.
1. How to play ultimate spoons- this is basically spoons, but the spoons are not in the middle of the circle. They could be hidden elsewhere in the room/building, or wrapped inside a blanket (I haven't actually played this way), but it is super intense and super fun.
2. My read speed is 250 words per minute- I took a quick test and voila! Now I know my read speed. You can find yours out here.
3. We need our van- We had several weeks without it this month while it was in the shop for repairs, and we were so happy to have it back. Life is difficult with one little car, seven people, and lots of stuff.
{bye, Pippo}

October 1, 2015

Writing for 31 Days: Day 1- The Intro for Everything

We'll call this series 31 Days of Lists.

If you look back in the archives, you will notice that we really haven't blogged very much. So why would we attempt to write for 31 days through October? Because we're kind of crazy. So anyway, here it goes.

Here's our first list:
The Contributor Introductions
Pippo- the creator of this blog. She says that her curly hair means that she has a fried brain.

Azreanal- I basically begged Pippo to let me do some guest posts, so here I am. I like to think that I say really funny things, but people actually laugh because I make funny faces and do weird things with my hands.

We're sisters and  best friends. When I asked Tagg, another sister, how to describe us, she said noisy, high energy, lots of laughter and chattering. Some maybe that sums us up. Except most other people would probably call us quiet and low energy. So I guess we're oxymoronic.

We'll try to add posts here as we go along:

Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
etc. etc. etc.